Our Part in the Revival of a Great British Manufacturing Tradition

Here at Retroflo we watched Digby Jones - The New Troubleshooter with great interest. The series, fronted by the Lord and former minister of state, looks at the state of British manufacturing, with last week’s episode shining a spotlight on one of our clients, EBAC, and their quest to resurrect fridge and freezer manufacturing in the UK.
Read more: Our Part in the Revival of a Great British Manufacturing Tradition
New Pump Controller Unveiled

It’s exciting times for the pump control team with the unveiling of a new controller featuring our award-winning technology. Pulsar’s Ultimate Pump Controller integrates Retroflo’s patented pre-blockage detection technology with a range of control features such as level and flow control, pump efficiency and telemetry.
Northumbrian Water Appoint Retroflo as an Approved Contractor
Retroflo are delighted to announce that the company has been named an approved electrical contractor for Northumbrian Water. The approval marks a major landmark in Retroflo’s progression and follows 18 months of preparation and planning to meet NWL’s strict approval criteria.
Read more: Northumbrian Water Appoint Retroflo as an Approved Contractor
Preview of Pinkston Watersports Centre Whitewater Course
Following the successful commissioning of the pumps by Retroflo at Pinkston Watersport Centre in Glasgow, the new artificial whitewater courses (AWWC) were tested for the first time last week by local boaters Thom Brown and Mark Mulrain. Both courses run at 7c at maximum flow (3 pumps) with a 1.5m head. The long course is 100m x 10m wide and the short course is 30m x 10m wide. Both courses were tested with two pumps and the results were very positive.