UK Industrial Tapes Electrical Installation

CLIENT: Uk Industrial Tapes
DATE: December 2017
PROJECT: Supply intake alterations, new sub main cables and distribution boards, wiring to new extension, extension to fire alarm and emergency lighting.
SCOPE OF WORK: Initial liasing with the supply and meter operators to facilitate an upgrade to the supply within the site. Project management of the civils trench works and Northern Powergrid operatives to upgrade the incoming supply. Installation of 315A main switch and supply cable to the existing switch board .Installation of sub main cable and 16 way TPN DB to the rear of the warehouse in readiness for future works. Upgrading of the earthing system. Installation of sub main cable and 11 way SP DB to the new extension. Electrical installation within new extension.
Plant Hire Depot - GAP
CLIENT: Bell Building Projects Ltd
DATE: September 2016
PROJECT:Full electrical installation in warehouse and offices
SCOPE OF WORK:The warehouse was installed with 110v power supply for hire appliances and accessories and a 230v power supply for general sockets inside the warehouse and offices. This included a Fire Detection system to Level L2, an Intruder Alarm and external flood lighting. The office was fitted with full data connections throughout. A new LED lighting system was installed within the warehouse and general offices. The system included an emergency lighting system throughout.
Electrical Contractor for the New Pinkston Paddlesports Centre, Glasgow
CLIENT: Scottish Canals
DATE: January 2014
PROJECT: Design, install and commission electrical works for a competition standard whitewater course.
SCOPE OF WORK: Working in conjunction with Rapid Water Courses and Meldrum Construction, Retroflo were appointed to undertake electrical installation and commissioning works for the whitewater course and control kiosk.