Charlotte Street Sewage Pumping Station
Charlotte Street Sewage Pumping Station in Kirkcaldy was a problem site causing reputational issues for Scottish water. Continual pump blockages, flooding of local businesses, pollution of the seafront and odours led to complaints from business owners, residents and MSPs. Since the installation of Retroflo’s RPC_2000 Pump Control System in June 2009 the problem of blockages, flooding and odours has been resolved without need for a single reactive maintenance call-out. The station is also on target to achieve an annual OPEX saving of £30,000, equating to a CAPEX payback inside the first year.
Skinningrove Transfer Pumping Station
Since implementing the Retroflo system in Skinningrove Transfer Pumping Station no operator / maintenance intervention has been required to remove blockages from the pumps. By initiating pump reversal cycles on detection of partial blockages and returning the pump to optimum operating conditions, this equates to a 12% decrease in power during normal operation. A vast improvement in the condition of the Wet Well is observed due to success of the Flushing Cycle. The Flushing Cycle serves to cleanse the Wet Well which reduces the threat of blockages to the pumps and reduces the need for routine cleansing.
Ilsham Valley Pumping Station
As an example of efficiency improvements, the recent installation of the RPC_2000 at South West Water’s Ilsham Valley Pumping Station has recorded a substantial reduction in absorbed power through reduced blockages, cleaner wells and the optimization of pump performance. In terms of labour costs alone the station saved £20k on the 2008 expenditure for reactive maintenance call-outs to unblock pumps.
Electrical Contractor for the New Pinkston Paddlesports Centre, Glasgow
CLIENT: Scottish Canals
DATE: January 2014
PROJECT: Design, install and commission electrical works for a competition standard whitewater course.
SCOPE OF WORK: Working in conjunction with Rapid Water Courses and Meldrum Construction, Retroflo were appointed to undertake electrical installation and commissioning works for the whitewater course and control kiosk.