Moorhouses Pumping Station
The meter station houses the control and monitoring for the existing valves. The scope included replacing the building services and Distribution Board, a new control panel and telemetry outstation within the station building, while maintaining the existing control and telemetry. A new mains generator incomer was installed and the station earthing system upgraded to TT to comply with NWG regulations.
Tocketts Bridge Pumping Station
As part of the Saltburn Bathing Waters scheme, it was required that the pumps at Tocketts Bridge work as duty / assist rather than the existing duty / standby arrangement, to handle the additional flows from Guisborough Works. In order to do this, the existing Motor Control Centre (MCC) was upgraded from 400A to 630A.
Plant Hire Depot - GAP
CLIENT: Bell Building Projects Ltd
DATE: September 2016
PROJECT:Full electrical installation in warehouse and offices
SCOPE OF WORK:The warehouse was installed with 110v power supply for hire appliances and accessories and a 230v power supply for general sockets inside the warehouse and offices. This included a Fire Detection system to Level L2, an Intruder Alarm and external flood lighting. The office was fitted with full data connections throughout. A new LED lighting system was installed within the warehouse and general offices. The system included an emergency lighting system throughout.
Pallion Combined Storm Overflow (CSO)
The works consisted of replacing the CSO (Combined Storm Overflow). The work was required due to the existing CSO being located directly in the path of the new bridge being built and developed across the River Wear. After constructing the new CSO Chamber in its new location, Retroflo installed new screens, the Motor Control Center (MCC) and Kiosk, new instrumentation and telemetry, and relocated the BT Line.